

How is it that the thing that helps the problem also causes the problem?
I had to give it up… my favorite “drink relief”. It wasn’t that I really drank it all that often, but you know how it is when you can’t have something… you want it EVEN more!

It started as a test – that soon resulted into a conclusion:
caffeine + dani = migraines

The Question?
Where can one buy caffeine-free Dr Pepper, that can pretend to be the old drink that I love?
a girl who is desperately missing the delightful 32 flavors


Jodi said...

This breaks my heart. I'm really feeling for you!

Jodi said...

Really. I think I am tearing up. Just want you to know that we are here for you if you ever need to talk things out on a hard day. The Jodi's can be there at a moments notice.

Danielle said...

I knew I could count on your two. It has been so depressing! However, there is hope - because I know there is a replacement or shall we say a poor substitue. ha ha