

This guy had a birthday... and guess who we saw at dinner…Robbie Findley! - Awesome right? He was in South Africa 4 days ago playing in the WORLD CUP. The best part, no one in the place recognized him... or they weren't as obvious with their excitement to see him. I was kind of his personal paparazzi, Wayne might have been embarrassed, which I still don't understand he loves Robbie Findley more than me. We are glad to have him back for the Real game on Friday where Wayne can sport his new jersey! Thank you to the amazing friends who came and celebrated with us and Robbie Findley for completing the perfect birthday.


Unknown said...

Tell Wayne Happy 28! We were celebrating his b-day on saturday too I guess.

Kristen said...

That is awesome! Jeremy will be jealous, maybe he will see you at the game Friday and maybe me if I can find a sitter. I can't believe Wayne did not want to see Eclipse for his birthday-what was he thinking?

M + D said...

Hi Dani!
Looks like you two are having so much fun!! I found your blog from Wayne's and decided that you have way more updates than he does.. so I'll just have to blog stalk you to keep up with what's going on! You're always welcome to visit us on the east coast!