
RIU Palace...the hotel

pool number 2 - this is where all the good daytime soap operas help place

me on our balcony, so excited to go to the beach
the hotel
The view from our room
Wayne - just being his cool rocking self
dressed up for dinner
dinner at the steak house

Our hotel was fantastic - the beach, 2 infinity pools, 4 specialty restaurants, balcony views and the list goes on and on. We LOVED the place we stayed, which is probably why we spent 4 of the days just hanging around there. Tons of fun people to watch, now that is entertainment.


Chelsey Bell said...

I'm so extremely jealous! that is the hotel scott and i went to last year. love it. you guys are smokin!

Our Family said...

You are so gorgeous! Let me know if you want to talk! Know that you've got my vote!