
The Baby Bump Grows

I would like to say that we have everything ready for the baby to come, but we are far from READY!  If you don't follow me on instagram you don't get the weekly baby bump updates... but the weeks seem to be flying by and soon enough we are going to have our baby boy!

We are just a little EXCITED
We can't wait to be PARENTS
We can't wait to hold our BABY BOY

From Top to Bottom - 26 weeks to 31 weeks


oh how I miss you

There are so many wonderful things about being pregnant... ha ha, yeah right! Ok, ok... there are a few things that are beyond amazing and I try to love everyday and what it brings, because I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to carry a baby.

But man are there some things I really miss ---- I keep telling my husband can you believe in 3 months we'll be able to do this, or I'll be able to eat this, or our lives will be a million times different! ---- For now, I'm missing a few things.

I miss eating real sushi, wearing normal jeans, being able to stay up later than 9:00 pm and of course playing soccer!


Wedding Photos - Sarah Knight Photography

Check out the lovely Sarah Knight Photography's website to see her beautiful post on our wedding!  Can I just say WOW - she captured the day in alls essence and tells the story perfectly.  I love it and thank her a million times over for creating memories that will last forever!!



I'm slightly obsessed with Baby Boy clothes! 
For good reason... this little guy is going to be so much fun to shop for.
You can see all my pins here.

Baby Boy's are fun to shop for! Maybe I just love shopping!


Quick Weekend Trip - Gilbert, AZ

Recently Jon's brothers family moved to sunny AZ. I was definitely not jealous at first... but after this past weekend and not being in snowy UT I decided there is something small to be desired there. We had a huge order for Taddle Tell that we are creating for Rue La La ---- so I took a quick fast trip out there and we worked worked and worked!

I loved seeing my little friends though, sure do miss that cute family!

All tile floors + bouncy balls entertained the kids for HOURS

Megs and I in front of their cactus - she told me in a fight the cactus ALWAYS wins, so true

Spencer, Dani and Spiderman of course



Epcot was my favorite stop! I DREAM of traveling the world and this confirmed how much I want to do this. I can't wait for that day.

Highlights of Epcot

Morocco [obsessed with the patterns, food, EVERYTHING]
China [Anissa speaking Chinese with all the workers]
London [the pub]
THE FOOD - we tried lots of yummy food here
The baby loved Soarin' California, he kicked the entire ride

EPCOT - this place was great



Highlights of Animal Kingdom

Yeti ride - I'm obsessed with Yeti now
Safari ride - wow, wow, wow
African Buffet for lunch yummmmmmy
Oh yeah and that awesome teal bus 

Animal Kingdom - AMAZING


DISNEY WORLD [Magic Kingdom]

I loooooooooove vacation! Oooooh how I love to go on vacation. My family went to Disney World as our Christmas gift and it was a blast, not to mention Sunny and Happy and Perfect.

Magic Kingdom Highlights

Ate at Belle's Castle
Rode a million rides
Dole whip pineapple yumminess
Got the baby his first Mickey hat
Walked, Walked, Walked

Magic Kingdom - It was magical


Baby, Baby... Oh Baby!

We got some exciting news the day after my birthday, we found out we are pregnant! Although it has been up and down with emotions we are soooooo excited for this little man to join our family. I'm currently 24 weeks and things are going great!

We shared the special news with family at Christmas - BEST GIFT EVER.

And Recently found out we are having a BOY! We both thought for sure it was a boy at first then we heard about the Chinese Calendar and it said we would have a girl. Well it was confirmed at Epcot, by actual Chinese that the calendar was made up by the USA.... ha of course!

Baby Boy Prawitt Due June 2013 and of course is measuring big - My 24 week belly 


I'm HORRIBLE at blogging

Where does time go!  I have been horrible with blogging, but with Instagram, Facebook... ugh I just never get around to putting things down. So... I am going to be doing some catch up over the next few days!  [for myself]

Before Jonny and I tied the knot we have a month of awesome time with his family from Germany! These kids were so fun and somehow we were able to communicate not speaking. I was really good at hand motions and using a translation app on the phone.

One of the many adventures was to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole. Two of my favorite places to vacation too! They were blown away by the park and the river rafting was AWESOME. Can't wait until we get to go see them in Germany.

PS Ignore their shirts... seriously BYU? What the.. poor kids didn't know better.

Yellowstone | Jackson Hole | Vacay with our German Friends