
It’s happened…

The following pictures were obviously taken the same night, however for all intents and purposes they will do for the story I want to tell.
One of the many things that Wayne and I have in common is soccer. We met playing soccer, we are both amazing at soccer (ha ha, jk) and we both LOVE to watch soccer. The story.
Then - our 4th or 5th ish date…
Wayne: Insane, crazy Real Salt Lake Fan
Dani: Sweet, trying to impress date, never imagined such crazy Real Salt Lake Fans
“Everyone knows everyone” in his section – constantly screaming at the other team’s players and our players, choice words used at times and the greatest celebrations when we are successful.

Now – our 150th plus date…
Wayne: Insane, crazy Real Salt Lake Fan
Dani: A Raging Real Salt Lake Fan – don’t judge, let me explain how it happened.

You know you are a Raging Real Salt Lake Fan when…

You know everyone’s name on your team and are constantly reminding them of their faults all game long. Giving them nicknames such as: AC Slater, Ned Grab-A-Boy, Mathis you SUCK.

You know all of the top players in the league – {ie} Freddy {squared} from Seattle. Montero you are the biggest DB in history, you should be sponsored by Ed Hardy. Ljunberg you are well past your prime, but still better than 90% of the MLS players {Arsenal is AMAZING}… but on Saturday Freddy squared was shut down over and over again by AC Slater and Olave.

You never stop screaming, embarrass yourself over and over again… and quite frankly, you don’t care. That is what I have become… it’s happened.


(500) days of summer

i love it.
the music rocks.
the styling is beautiful.
the acting outstanding.
a must see.
{ twice in my case }


lagoon, you are...

the sticky ground, yummy treats, spinning head and happy kids to my amusement park

I finally used my lagoon pass... I took the day off and spent it with my sister and her family. The kids were adorable, the rides were exciting and no one cried. {real tears at least}